Chhattisgarh government, in collaboration with Vertex Suite, has developed a state-of-the-art WhatsApp Chatflow as part of the Raipur Smart City project. In this initiative, citizens will be able to access essential services through WhatsApp, such as paying property tax and water tax, registering complaints, and availing of other necessary services. The project was inaugurated by Chhattisgarh's Chief Minister, Mr. Vishnu Deo Sai, whose details were also published in the Dainik Bhaskar newspaper.
Benefits and Features of the WhatsApp Chatflow
Residents of Raipur Smart City can now seamlessly access various services through WhatsApp without interrupting their daily lives. In order to pay bills or file complaints, you no longer need to visit government offices or websites.
Simply send a "Hi" message to Raipur Smart City's WhatsApp number at +91- 91 11666207, and all necessary information and services will be provided.
This Chatflow offers the following services to citizens:
Property Tax Information and Payment: Using WhatsApp, citizens can check the status of their property taxes and pay them instantly. As well as saving time, this feature is also extremely easy to use.
Complaint Registration: If a citizen faces any issue, such as a sanitation problem, road repair needs, or any other local concern, they can directly register their complaint through this Chatflow. A confirmation message is received immediately upon registering the complaint, and the issue is addressed promptly.
Water Tax Payment: The Chatflow also provides a convenient and secure option for paying water tax. Citizens no longer need to stand in long queues for bill payments.
Utility of the WhatsApp Chatflow
Raipur Smart City has taken a significant step into the digital age with the launch of this WhatsApp Chatflow. With this system, citizens have access to government services seamlessly and securely. It not only saves citizens' time but also makes government processes faster and more transparent.
Public Awareness and Future Prospects
Since the inauguration of this project, it has received widespread appreciation in Chhattisgarh. Awareness among citizens has increased due to the publication of this initiative in major newspapers like Dainik Bhaskar. This will not only benefit the citizens of Raipur Smart City but could also serve as an inspiration for other cities.
Vertex Suite’s innovative effort is a crucial step toward realizing the Chhattisgarh government's vision of Digital India. This WhatsApp Chatflow, designed with citizens' convenience in mind, could serve as a model for other cities and regions, paving the way for a new revolution in e-governance across the country.