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WhatsApp business API pricing

WhatsApp Business API Pricing

With technology constantly evolving and growing, and updates happening around us, communication has also transformed. It goes beyond just sending messages; utilizing tools like WhatsApp Business API involves meaningful interactions that play a key role in the growth and expansion of a company. Businesses can now engage with their audience more effectively through WhatsApp Business API. However, to make informed decisions, it's crucial to understand the nuances of pricing.

WhatsApp API Integration

The WhatsApp API provides an excellent avenue to interact and retarget consumers on the platform where they spend the majority of their time. Businesses can directly message their clients via WhatsApp messaging platforms in a secure and safe manner, thanks to the WhatsApp Business API.

Undoubtedly, WhatsApp API holds a significant advantage over SMS, where the sender ID is unrecognized. It offers a clearly branded corporate profile with a green tick that ensures its authenticity. Additionally, it empowers sales and support teams to respond to customer care inquiries with detailed, relevant information that can lead to new transactions.

Optimizing WhatsApp Business API cost

After providing free messaging services for WhatsApp Business, there has been an upgrade. If a business aims to enhance its services by removing limitations of the WhatsApp Business app, the WhatsApp Business API emerges as a game-changer. However, this is not a cost-free platform, as it endeavors to eliminate spamming with promotional messages. The regular WhatsApp, available for free on the Play Store, contrasts with the API, which introduces certain new functionalities for businesses and companies, entailing fixed rates. To access this, companies need to engage with Business Service Providers (BSP), who assist in approvals, verifications, and the integration of API services with their systems.

The cost of sending messages is determined by conversation categories, dictating the type of messages a business sends. Messages are now charged on a session-wise basis, implying that if a message is initiated by the business, it incurs a charge. The business has a 24-hour window to send unlimited messages or engage in unlimited conversations with the customer. To understand the type of message, there are defined categories.

These categories can be classified into two types:

1. Business-Initiated Conversations on WhatsApp

WhatsApp has simplified business communication by categorizing messages sent by businesses into three types, each serving distinct purposes. When a business initiates a message, a chat window opens for 24 hours, providing a conversation window during which the business and user can engage limitlessly. The types of messages within this 24-hour window are defined as follows:

a- Marketing:

These are pre-approved marketing templates that businesses send to customers for promotional and marketing purposes, aiming to boost customer engagement and create awareness about offers and new launches.

b- Utility:

These are pre-approved transactional message templates used for sending order confirmations, payment-related notifications, cancellations or refunds, updates on transactions, account information, and billing-related notifications.

c- Authentication:  

This type is employed for authentication and verification purposes by sending a code to customers to verify the genuineness of the communication, providing a sense of security to the account. Typically, a one-time-password is sent to authenticate users. Only a predefined WhatsApp template for authentication is utilized, which may include warnings. This template has certain restrictions, disallowing links, media files, and requiring the character length to stay within 15 characters.

2. User-Initiated Conversation Service

When a user initiates a conversation seeking assistance, asking queries, or requiring support, it falls under the category of interactive messages for businesses or brands. In such instances, the chat window remains open for 24 hours, allowing for unlimited conversation.

WhatsApp API Pricing Structure

For better comprehension, WhatsApp has introduced a pricing structure based on the nature and type of conversations businesses engage in with users. According to Meta's policy, businesses are required to pay a fixed amount, contingent on the specifics of the conversation. This shift has significantly altered the landscape of marketing messages, ensuring better customer engagement without the hindrance of spamming. Notably, more than 80 large companies, in addition to small businesses, have embraced these new WhatsApp API services.

WhatsApp conversations between businesses and users extend for 24 hours, particularly when initiated by the business through marketing or order confirmation templates. This allows for an unrestricted exchange of messages during this period. Charges for these conversations vary from country to country, dependent on the nature of the message template.

 In India, conversation costs for Indian users are as follows: ₹0.72 for Marketing Conversations, ₹0.35 for Authentication Conversations, ₹0.308 for Utility Conversations, and ₹0.29 for Service Conversations. These prices apply to sending conversations within India, and businesses receive 1000 FREE conversations per month for user-initiated conversations.

WhatsApp Business Integration Service Providers

In the market, numerous business service providers assist businesses in integrating their platforms with WhatsApp, requiring businesses to pay specific charges for these services. Providers like Interakt, AiSensy, Wati, BusinessonBot, and others often operate on a monthly subscription model. They structure their plans into three categories, each offering distinct features with varying monthly costs. Businesses can opt for these services based on the provided features and choose to upgrade their plans accordingly. The starting rate for these services typically ranges from approximately 30,000 to 50,000 INR annually. In contrast, at Vertex Suite, in addition to a subscription plan, we provide an added advantage of customization. Businesses can select services based on their requirements and pay for the specific services they need. It is crucial for businesses to choose their service providers wisely.

WhatsApp Business API Pricing Model Updates!

Regarding the WhatsApp Business API pricing model under the Meta Pricing Model, there have been several significant adjustments. August 1, 2024 is when the tariffs for utilities and marketing talks will change. Everything you should know is as follows:

Utility Conversations Update

Effective Date

Old Rate

New Rate


August 1, 2024   



Rate Decrease    

In order to remain competitive with other channels and incentivize businesses to introduce more end-to-end post-purchase customer journeys to WhatsApp, we will be lowering the pricing for utility chats starting August 1, 2024.

Marketing Conversations Update

Effective Date

Old Rate

New Rate


October 1, 2024    



Rate Increase     

Description: Starting October 1, 2024, we will be updating the rates for marketing conversations in specific markets as part of more frequent updates to reflect demand and the value marketing messages deliver.

Meta Pricing Model

These updates are part of the Meta Pricing Model for the WhatsApp Business API.

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