Social Commerce

What WhatsApp Business API offers to Ecommerce industry?

What WhatsApp Business API offers to ecommerce industry

The WhatsApp Business API tool has strengthened businesses, and e-commerce companies are beginning to grasp its significance when interacting with customers. WhatsApp has transformed the landscape of messaging, and similarly, the WhatsApp API is revolutionizing business operations. It's reshaping the dynamics of buying and selling, expanding beyond traditional web browsing and app downloads to offer unmatched convenience through chat-based interactions. While online shopping has already simplified the process of making purchases from anywhere, the integration of WhatsApp API within the same app we frequently use further enhances user-friendliness.

This isn't exclusive to large companies; it's equally beneficial for small businesses and retail businesses. Many small businesses primarily rely on offline sales or social media for their operations as they cannot afford building websites. WhatsApp Business has indeed simplified the sharing of product catalogs for small businesses. However, it does come with certain limitations that can hinder a brand's online presence. To the rescue, The API chatbot emerges as a powerful tool to engage customers more effectively and boost sales. Its multifaceted utility provides brands with an efficient means to market their services.

How businesses can boost customer engagement using WhatsApp Business API features

1. Pre purchase customer engagement:

I. Brands presence:

This accounts for delivering exceptional customer support through personalized engagement, product recommendations, real-time updates, offer notifications, and instant issue resolution. It enables brands to establish a more personal connection with customers, helping in the analysis of customer purchase behavior and preferences. Furthermore, its mobile-friendly nature makes it a valuable asset. API chat fosters deeper customer engagement, driving growth for ecommerce brands.

II. Notification:

When brands send notifications to customers regarding abandoned carts or the restocking of out-of-stock products, and customers receive timely updates from brands, it becomes easier to recover potentially lost sales. People tend to open WhatsApp more frequently than other applications, making it an effective channel for communication. Brands can also send customized combo offers tailored to individual preferences in the form of interactive messages. Automated notifications facilitate clear communication between brands and customers, ensuring that important information isn't missed.

III. Automatic response to messages: 

Customers often have various concerns related to their purchases, such as product availability in different colors, varieties and sizes, delivery details including location and time, and questions about refunds or exchanges. Trying to connect with customer support via phone can be time-consuming and sometimes goes unanswered. However, with an API chatbot, frequently asked questions are addressed automatically through predefined responses triggered by specific keywords in customer messages. This results in fast and efficient communication, ultimately building trust and customer satisfaction.

IV. Lead generation: 

When customers search for products and click the WhatsApp chat icon while browsing, they are immediately redirected to the WhatsApp chatbot without the need to register or provide details. This method allows brands to obtain genuine leads and reduce the spam rate. Furthermore, customized message templates can be sent based on customer preferences. This helps in understanding the customer's interests, which can then be easily converted into hot leads. Subsequently, personalized messages, promotional offers in the form of coupons, gift cards, deals, and discounts can be sent to maintain engagement over time.

2. Purchasing decision:

I. Broadcast messages & promotions

Broadcasting messages is one of the most useful features of WhatsApp API for businesses. In WhatsApp Business, there was a limit to the number of messages that could be sent to customers, but with WhatsApp API, unlimited message sending is possible. Businesses can send messages in bulk to their customers, allowing them to broadcast festive offers, discounts, and promotional offers using WhatsApp message templates. This feature can also be used to target specific segments of customers. It's particularly valuable for small businesses and those in the retail sector that may not be able to build a website. This presents a great opportunity for small-scale businesses to expand their customer base by promoting their products or events on WhatsApp, a platform used by nearly every household member.

II. Personalised recommendation

Personalization plays a crucial role in creating message templates or multimedia messages tailored to the customer's product interests, thereby enhancing their shopping experience. Displaying customer ratings and reviews, along with original photos of their favorite products, increases the likelihood of conversion. Additionally, sending benefits or testimonials of their wishlisted products can boost customer retention.

III. Customer engagement through marketing

When a customer adds products to their cart but leaves without checking out, just like big brands, small and retail businesses can leverage chatbots to provide offers and discounts. This can include combo offers where customers can choose between discounts on multiple purchases or receiving mini-sized product packs. Offering free shipping for adding more items to the cart is another strategy. Limited-time free items can also be added to encourage customers to make a purchase. WhatsApp is an effective platform for these conversions, given its high user engagement and more chance of customer seeing and acting on these promotional offers.

3. Post purchase experience:

I. Feedback & queries

Nowadays, people often check reviews before making a purchase. Therefore, feedback and queries provide valuable insights about products. Typically, people are asked for reviews immediately after delivery, which may not be as relevant. It's more meaningful to provide reviews after using the products. So, instead of searching through orders and navigating to the feedback section, it's easier to select the feedback option for the last purchase order and promptly send photos via WhatsApp. WhatsApp API making it easy for customers to share their reviews.

II. Tracking & live updates

Tracking ordered items and providing real-time updates on order status encourages customers to use online payment methods. The chatbot is programmed to send the live location of delivery personnel as well as the customer. Providing updates such as "item has shipped to the nearest warehouse" or "Cash on Delivery payment is ready" helps customers plan to be at their delivery location, or arrange for a neighbor to receive the package if they are unavailable. Additionally, if the delivery person struggles to locate the customer's address and the order is at risk of being returned, sharing the delivery person's live location with the customer can facilitate a timely delivery.

III. Customer support (quick replies)

In the e-commerce business, a quick response to customer issues and instant communication through automated chat flows is a valuable feature. It significantly reduces abandoned carts and has the potential to generate more sales. WhatsApp API offers this feature, allowing customized chat flows to be pre-filled with responses that best match the questions asked by customers. These quick replies streamline response times and facilitate the instant resolution of customer issues.

IV. Payment & transaction

In the e-commerce sector, transactions and payments play a crucial role. WhatsApp API enables customers to make secure payments directly within the chat. The chat interface is designed to be user-friendly, allowing customers to make purchases and complete payments seamlessly within the chat. WhatsApp's payment section is highly secure, ensuring the privacy of customers' information.

V. Return & refund

When customers request product exchanges or returns, there are instances when customer service representatives do not answer calls, and repeatedly dialing numbers can be time-consuming. With WhatsApp API, easy photo or video sharing can be accomplished in just one click, simplifying the customer experience. Automatic reply buttons and quick assistance enable customers to raise issues and check exchange or refund details with ease.

VI. Schedule appointments and delivery

Customers can conveniently book appointments using the WhatsApp API for services like delivery scheduling and consultations. They can choose from available time slots to schedule deliveries or appointments. After confirmation, customers receive WhatsApp reminders, which are more likely to be noticed compared to emails or app notifications. This feature is particularly beneficial for services such as home deliveries, salon bookings, repairs, technician appointments, installations, and more. It ensures confirmation in advance and minimizes instances of customers not showing up for appointments.

The WhatsApp Business API presents numerous growth opportunities for e-commerce businesses. It enables companies to engage more effectively with customers, streamline their operations, boost sales, personalize communications, strengthen their brand presence, and provide seamless customer service. While the services offered remain the same, the platform has evolved, offering a user-friendly channel. As the e-commerce industry continues to expand, it's essential to embrace these evolving features to stay competitive and meet customer expectations.


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