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Why conversational WhatsApp commerce is trending ?

Why conversational whatsapp commerce is trending ?

Conversational WhatsApp Commerce

Digitalisation has changed the business interaction methods, businesses are hustling to find innovative ways to connect with their audience. As the world embraces digital platforms, instant messaging platforms like WhatsApp are becoming integral to customer engagement strategies. This shift isn’t surprising. By 2022, 70% of customer interactions were expected to involve chatbots and messaging services. Since then, online messaging apps have surged for calls, document sharing, and workplace communication, especially during COVID lockdowns.

WhatsApp is not just any app, it’s a powerhouse for customer engagement. There is a new term in this which is trending a lot i.e. Conversational Commerce. It’s essentially used by brands, they use conversational platforms to directly interact with customers. In today’s time 75% of people prefer communicating with their favourite brands on personal level just like they do with friends and family. That’s the magic of C-Commerce.

What is Conversational Commerce?

Conversational commerce refers to the use of messaging and chat technologies to facilitate interactions between businesses and customers. It represents a shift towards more personalized and conversational interactions in the digital world. WhatsApp, with its extensive user base and rich messaging features, has emerged as a key platform for businesses to engage with customers in real-time conversations.

Evolution of Customer Interaction

Over the years, customer interaction has seen a transformation from traditional channels such as phone calls and emails to digital platforms. This shift has been driven by advancements in technology and changing consumer preferences. Today, customers expect seamless interactions, driving the rise of chatbots and messaging services. Research shows that by the end of 2024, most customer interactions will be through digital channels.

Why only WhatsApp?

Now, why WhatsApp is the hero of this story. With over 2 billion users worldwide, WhatsApp isn’t just popular; it’s a juggernaut. But why only WhatsApp? Well, it provides a direct line to your customers, where you can automate your customer journey and support. Plus, with WhatsApp’s insane user engagement stats (78% use it weekly!), it’s a no-brainer.

WhatsApp offers a range of features and capabilities that make it an ideal platform for customer engagement. Its large user base, cross-platform compatibility and end-to-end encryption make it a trusted channel for businesses to interact with customers. Businesses can leverage WhatsApp for various purposes, including customer support, marketing campaigns, and transactional communications. By integrating WhatsApp into their customer engagement strategies, businesses can enhance the overall customer experience and drive loyalty.

Future of Conversational Commerce

The future of conversational commerce holds immense potential for businesses to further enhance customer interactions and drive growth. Advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning will enable more enhanced chatbot and virtual assistants, providing customers with personalized and context-aware experiences. Additionally, emerging technologies such as augmented reality and voice interfaces will open up new possibilities for immersive and interactive customer engagement.

WhatsApp as a Catalyst in Various Industries

Across industries, businesses are recognizing the value of WhatsApp as a tool for customer engagement. In e-commerce, WhatsApp can be used for personalized product recommendations, order updates and customer support. In the entertainment industry, WhatsApp can facilitate content recommendations, event promotions and fan engagement. Similarly, in banking and finance, WhatsApp can streamline account management, provide financial updates and facilitate secure transactions.

Implementing WhatsApp in Customer Engagement

When implementing WhatsApp in customer engagement strategies, businesses should prioritize personalization, responsiveness and privacy. They should customize their messages which caters to individual customer preferences and needs, respond promptly to inquiries and requests and ensure the security and confidentiality of customer data. Additionally business should regularly analyse the effectiveness of their WhatsApp campaigns and optimize their engagement strategies based on insights and feedback.

Beyond Deals to Building Meaningful Customer Relationships

Talking about the real-life scenarios when a support team of a business gets a customer call and maximum time they are put on hold and somehow that’s a sure way to lose them. While this may not work with big brands as they have huge customer base but for growing business it’s a huge loss. But with WhatsApp, customer are always just a message away, providing instant support without the hassle of waiting on hold.

WhatsApp isn’t just for blasting out deals. It’s about building meaningful connections. Whether it’s sending product catalogs, automating support, or gathering feedback, WhatsApp opens up a world of possibilities for engaging with your customers.

Is IT a Happy Times for Brands?

Let’s consider an example to make it in a simpler way. Suppose you run an online store. With WhatsApp, you can send personalized product recommendations, track customer preferences and even win back those who’ve dropped off the radar.

Or perhaps if it’s a media industry. WhatsApp lets you announce new releases, share content recommendations and keep subscribers in the loop—all with a personal touch.

And not to forget the most important sector banking and finance. From sending account updates to completing KYC processes, WhatsApp streamlines the entire customer journey, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience. Also because of its end to end encryption it provides complete security of data privacy.

But there are also dormant customers associated with brands who have purchased once or twice then just vanished, well with WhatsApp business can rekindle the relationship by sending relevant offers and discounts, all while keeping an eye on their past purchase behaviour, what works best for the audience.

Why to Adopt WhatsApp?

WhatsApp isn’t just a messaging app; it’s a game-changer for customer engagement. So, if a brand is looking to build trust, drive sales and grow their business, WhatsApp is definitely a secret weapon. Now it’s a perfect time for brands to use this conversation platform for engaging customers i.e. WhatsApp.

WhatsApp represents a powerful tool for businesses to enhance customer engagement and drive growth in the digital age. By leveraging its features and capabilities effectively, businesses can create meaningful interactions with their audience, build trust and loyalty and stay ahead of the competition. As the future of conversational commerce will grow, businesses will embrace WhatsApp as a strategic channel for customer engagement. They will be well-positioned to succeed in the evolving landscape of digital commerce.

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