Social Commerce

WhatsApp business API demand in Singapore

WhatsApp business API demand in Singapore

People have become connected now because of digitalization. Distance is not a problem anymore to share or inform any information to a person sitting across anywhere in the world. There are so many social media platforms and messaging platforms that has made easy for the people to communicate with their friends and family. Increasing the accessibility to interact and being available anytime has attracted business and companies also to utilise these platforms. When people spend a lot of time on social media platform that means they trust the contents shown in those platforms. So this gives the opportunity to businesses to implement their marketing strategies where already user base is high and going to receive better response.

One of the leading messaging platform which is preferred for texting is WhatsApp which has offered an amazing feature known as WhatsApp business API and it is getting popular globally due to its ability to engage customers easily through WhatsApp platform for business.  In Singapore, online communication or virtual communication is quite in demand due to its instant connect feature and hence business also finding creative ways to connect with customers through this medium. Thus creating a huge potential for Singapore market to use WhatsApp business API to meet the growing demand. There are many industries like real estate, medical, e-commerce. Hospitality and more, who want to leverage its features as people are more inclined towards online platforms.

WhatsApp marketing is the new digital marketing

WhatsApp marketing is more effective as compared to email marketing or SMS marketing. But it is only effective if company understand the customer’s behavior, know their customers well, recognize their concerns, share valuable information and does marketing activities that engage them and help in building strong relationship with customers.

WhatsApp provides the best chat marketing tool where business can create marketing templates which is made customer segment wise.Once customers read offers or updates, they are likely to browse products on WhatsApp. With the WhatsApp Business API, they can add items to their cart or make inquiries. Instant replies from businesses increase engagement and customer satisfaction.

There are many other features that WhatsApp business API provides which is specifically created for such purposes only. It will be beneficial for the Singapore market to effectively avail this tool to generate widespread awareness for the business.

Even today, support services are slow in many areas. People don’t want to press numbers, wait in queues, write emails, or visit stores for queries. WhatsApp chat support easily addresses these problems. So WhatsApp has a great aptitude for Singapore market.

Social behavior and WhatsApp popularity in Singapore

In the recent time with increased tourism in Singapore and providing best hospitality and leisure activities it has become the favourite destination for people around the world. Major benefit they get is via awareness from social media platforms. In Singapore, majority of their product awareness is generated online rather than using hoardings or emails or conventional media. Increased usage of mobile and excellent internet penetration has expanded the usage of digital media for Singaporeans.

WhatsApp has become the daily part of their lives just like its ruling everywhere. Its efficient communication channel, easy interface, robust capabilities has impacted society and work. Even tech savvy crowd have started using in corporate.

WhatsApp business API beneficial for Singapore’s culture, business and economy

By integrating WhatsApp business API in their operations, business will open the great avenues of growth and profitability. With enhanced customer engagement, streamlined operations and improved digital presence it’s a revolutionary market tool. Let’s see how:-

1. Enhanced Customer Connectivity

Modern customers are more self-centred and are very demanding, if nothing is of their interest then it won’t work out for them. Personalized marketing is in demand, and WhatsApp Business API can resolve this. Customers can directly WhatsApp businesses from their personal accounts to get their queries resolved, enhancing customer service. Customer support, online orders, online bookings, customer chat support, automated replies, are making communication Prompt and effortless. 

2. Collaborative Work Environment

WhatsApp is the most convenient platform for collaborating at work. Remote workers need an easy-access platform, so they don’t have to open laptops and make calls. WhatsApp makes it easier to plan projects, communicate internally, share a common inbox, and integrate with other software.

3. Emergency Notification

WhatsApp is used by public, corporates, government agencies, and advisory communities in Singapore to convey emergencies and important information, making it the best channel for alerts and announcements.

4. Public Involvement

There are many fund raising events happening in the city or cultural events or fest so there are multiple groups involved to share helpful information. To collect payments, generate invoices and maintain data of all those activities is easier through seamless integration of WhatsApp business API.

5. Sell With WhatsApp Store

Well it’s a revolutionary move in online shopping where now people can browse products, add-to-cart products and checkout all in a WhatsApp chat. This is known as WhatsApp commerce where business can list their products, add catalog, take orders, share multimedia content and with easy payment gateway integration can provide the secure transactions on WhatsApp for their customers. WhatsApp is the key resource for companies to market and sell goods online.

6. Advertising and Promotions

Companies have started using WhatsApp for marketing and promoting their services mainly for promoting tourism in their country. Their tourism and hospitality is of the prime importance and it helps their economy to grow. It’s the best opportunity for the tourism sector to showcase attractions, views, beaches, hotels, events, and activities to customers, informing them about upcoming launches, offers, and discounts. Its direct feature to communicate with individuals make WhatsApp a powerful marketing platform for companies of any sizes.

Singapore is recognised as one of the most advanced economy in the world. Its various sectors drives its economy and attract many professionals around the globe to facilitate its market and business. Singapore is growing rapidly in manufacturing, financial services, IT, technology, tourism, and exports, creating a stable economy. This growth, along with digital transformation and early adoption of technology, enhances its consumer market. The WhatsApp Business API can significantly improve communication and connectivity, emphasizing quality and service in customer support. As this is the most used platform by more than 80% of the population.


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