Social Commerce

WhatsApp business API demand in Bangladesh

WhatsApp business API demand in Bangladesh

Whenever we talk about growth and change in economy it has always comes with an opportunity to transform the way of doing any work. What methodology we use to implement earlier in performing any duties or task that needs a change to provide even a better impact at work. People are changing, their visions are changing, innovation is the new trend and updates have become constant thing happening these days.

Whether it’s a WhatsApp update or life update. It’s a digital world where communication has also updated from phone calls to video calls and still seeking innovative ways to engage in better communication practice. Business also looking for innovating tools in market to connect with their customers effectively. One of such tool which is trending is WhatsApp in Bangladesh due to its user friendly interface its adoption is huge as a best messaging platform among youth and adults. WhatsApp has become part of life globally for communication purpose, including Bangladesh.

WhatsApp Business API:

It is one of the most go-to platform for companies or business to connect with customers. Businesses are constantly seeking ways to expand outreach and engage more customers. Leveraging WhatsApp, a familiar and trusted platform, is an ideal solution for growing business. Bangladesh has a great market potential for WhatsApp business API due to its large population and growing digitalization in the economy. Majority of the population in Bangladesh depends on WhatsApp for interacting.

Lets see how business can leverage the WhatsApp business API tool in so many ways:

1. Customer Relations:

Business can boost their customer relation by using WhatsApp business API. If customer engagement rate is suffering badly and emails, newsletters or SMS aren’t getting much response then WhatsApp business API is the best solution where messages read rate is 80% higher.

2. Low-Cost Communication:

Conventional ways of sending SMS or emails or spending too much on ads is expensive with no guarantee of how many customers will they can sustain. Over these, WhatsApp business API is the most economical way to provide chat support and send broadcasting messages. Even it also got the filter option to check message delivery, read messages, giving full insights of broadcasting report.

3. Integration with e-commerce:

E-commerce is booming in Bangladesh as many people prefer online shopping due to its easy accessibility. And because of WhatsApp now it’s possible to shop in WhatsApp now. There many people who can’t operate applications on their phones. Shopping experience on WhatsApp is making it convenient to place orders, handle customer 24*7, and share updates easily on WhatsApp chat.

4. Growth of Small Businesses:

Many SMEs and local brands are emerging in the Bangladesh market which cannot reach to wider audiences because of costly marketing charges, heavy investments involved and websites/app development cost is again expensive. In such cases WhatsApp is the best solution to interact with larger audience and offer better customer services.

5. Service Industry:

WhatsApp business API is not just limited to ecommerce shopping but other industries like fintech, EdTech, medical, logistics and many more can use its services like sending delivery updates, transaction alerts, reminder schedule, appointment bookings, place online order, get account updates etc. are trending features that any industries can utilize.

6. Market Outreach:

WhatsApp business API has its role in every market, in every business, whether its small or large, it’s giving chances to all kind of business to increase their reach of audience in Bangladesh which will eventually help the people to grow their services more and get more sales.

Future scope of WhatsApp business API in Bangladesh is likely to be high and going to grow even better in coming years as business will get to know more about its features and capabilities and how it’s going to benefit the customers. Its features are not just limited to small business but it is used by multinational companies as well. Whatsapp business API will be game changer for business in Bangladesh. Its regular updates and features are designed in such a way that it helps in streamlining communication, improves engagement leading to sales growth.

Industries in Bangladesh can take advantage of WhatsApp Business API by:

1. Technology Adoption:

Business need to be aware of trends in technology to remain competitive in the market. In world of digitization everything is online so business need to invest on learning new tools and technology trending in the market to take full advantage of it for their own growth and to offer better service to customers. To see immense growth its necessary to remain updated with time and technology but it’s the only way to step in a ladder and remain ahead of others.

2. Personalized Solutions:

There so many players already in the market and if business wants to stand out in a crowd then it could be only possible if customized solution is provided to customers, according to the taste, preference, needs and requirements of Bangladeshi market. This way business will have the ability to attract more users and is it only possible by using WhatsApp business API.

3. Localization:

The only possible way to gain user attention is to communicate them in the local language. Making content by preferring local language and culture can enhance customer engagement and build trust.

4. Customer service:

Many business fail even if their products are good because of poor customer service. WhatsApp provides the 24*7 customer support facility using their WhatsApp chatbot. It helps in giving instant response to FAQs and best part is it is available all time. This improves customer satisfaction and build trust because quality service is above everything.

5. Marketing Plans:

Best part of using WhatsApp business API is it has attractive media options like images, videos, audios, documents that can be send on a regular WhatsApp chat flow of a customer. There are so many in-built templates for promotions, offers and to create attractive campaigns which will help in generating sales and brand awareness.

In the hustle street of Bangladesh where the fast paced life is matched by its lively culture, businesses are always finding ways to connect with mass customers. And not to forget in this smart tech era smartphones are the best medium to interact instantly with anyone anywhere in this world. It has become easy for people now to share information, texts or business work.

How WhatsApp business API can capture market in Bangladesh?

1. It’s a powerful tool for people in Bangladesh where they can easily target mass audience in unimaginable ways. People are already aware about using WhatsApp be of any age group. It will become easy for local business to now finally go beyond physical stores and welcome the online business by interacting with not just their regular customers but also people from neighboring states as well.
2. With great internet penetration making the accessibility of WhatsApp even easier and now the most common used application for communication making it the most trustable platform. So it becomes easier to choose WhatsApp for online shopping store as any form of marketing messages, promotional, offers or notification will get noticed and read and this help in increasing the sales with personalized interaction without worrying about any fraud activities.
3. Not just retail industry, education, medical, transportation, banking, societies and localities, all can start using WhatsApp for sending daily updates, service updates, meeting reminders, book appointments in most convenient way to make people connected to technology.
4. Benefits are limitless in WhatsApp Business API, it has live chatbot, which helps in resolving queries instantly without making any calls or downloading apps, unlimited broadcasting features to send messages in images form or video forms at the end moment in bulk is also possible. Business can design their own template to target audience in personalized way. This not only enhance customer experience but save valuable time of business.
5. WhatsApp business API can change the game for ecommerce industry in Bangladesh. Everyone now prefer doing online shopping due to their busy life style and business also prefer to go in the online market to increase their customer base. It becomes easy for customers to interact with business via WhatsApp, to enquire about products, place orders and make online payments. By integrating ecommerce platform with WhatsApp it will provide seamless experience to customers to browse products and checkout easily via WhatsApp.

WhatsApp business API has the great potential for its innovation and creativity. It has ability to adapt by business and companies of Bangladesh with changing preferences of customer’s needs. They can use it for launching marketing campaigns, hosting events, sending limited period offers. It also prioritize security of sensitive data of customers complying with strict policy of rules and regulations. Business can leverage WhatsApp business API for standing out in a crowd.